Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Monday, May 09, 2005
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Saturday, April 02, 2005
about rocketcar day
rocketcar day is a semi-random event that brings together a collection of misfits and engineers to race model cars powered by rocket engines. Taking over a industrial alley somewhere, rocketcar day delivers danger, excitement and warped inventiveness in a "what a nice day" style package.
if you'd like to be part of the next rocketcar day. email me
if you'd like to be part of the next rocketcar day. email me
Rules and Guidelines
testing: There's a lot to be learnt about your theories about how rocketcars might best be designed from watching your creation pickup and fly out of contol towards someone. if you can : test your car. That said, there are 2 race categories. one for tested cars and one for first run cars.
General: while you can make anykind of car, sticking wheels onto a rocket will incurr some sort of shame demerit.
similarly, sticking a rocket onto a car is equally subject to frowning.
Materials: Whatever, In the interest of safety please ensure that metal components are kept to a minimum and as safe as possible.
weight: avoid vey light cars. they are pronbe to spin around and shoot into the spectators and innocent bystanders.
Body shapes: Up to you but not just a single body tube. The event demands something interesting to look at and shapes aimed at aerodynamics solely will be frowned upon and may not be laughed at and drowned. Formula One style, saloon car, land speed record types, all types welcome. Plus anything new you can come up with. You have to make your own chassis (lego is totally acceptable, but glue it as well)
Motor types: C size rockets only in the race. Whatever the delay you like. C6 rockets seem to be cool. Only one motor to be used. No clustering or staging. You can buy them from hobby shops if you look trust worthy (swarthy types, trim beards first).
Wheels: Three at least but more are permissible and all must be in contact with the ground on the start line and every effort must be made to keep all on the ground during the run. A car, which is bouncing and/or whose wheels are leaving contact with the track too much, at the judges discretion, will be banned. The wheels can be inside or outside of the car body. The car must end up on all 4 wheels.
testing: There's a lot to be learnt about your theories about how rocketcars might best be designed from watching your creation pickup and fly out of contol towards someone. if you can : test your car. That said, there are 2 race categories. one for tested cars and one for first run cars.
General: while you can make anykind of car, sticking wheels onto a rocket will incurr some sort of shame demerit.
similarly, sticking a rocket onto a car is equally subject to frowning.
Materials: Whatever, In the interest of safety please ensure that metal components are kept to a minimum and as safe as possible.
weight: avoid vey light cars. they are pronbe to spin around and shoot into the spectators and innocent bystanders.
Body shapes: Up to you but not just a single body tube. The event demands something interesting to look at and shapes aimed at aerodynamics solely will be frowned upon and may not be laughed at and drowned. Formula One style, saloon car, land speed record types, all types welcome. Plus anything new you can come up with. You have to make your own chassis (lego is totally acceptable, but glue it as well)
Motor types: C size rockets only in the race. Whatever the delay you like. C6 rockets seem to be cool. Only one motor to be used. No clustering or staging. You can buy them from hobby shops if you look trust worthy (swarthy types, trim beards first).
Wheels: Three at least but more are permissible and all must be in contact with the ground on the start line and every effort must be made to keep all on the ground during the run. A car, which is bouncing and/or whose wheels are leaving contact with the track too much, at the judges discretion, will be banned. The wheels can be inside or outside of the car body. The car must end up on all 4 wheels.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
RCD4 Merchandise
If you'd like to get yourself either a rocketcar day 4 t-shirt ("got doom") or a sexy black RCD4 cap ("i heart doom") email me and i'll send one out to you. They are AU $25. Prove to your children that you didn't miss out on rocketcar day. email me